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Funded Approved LAU Math

When you register your student for Funded Approved LAU Math, they can earn math credit using one of the third-party curriculums listed below, and LAU covers the cost of the curriculum. 


How It Works

LAU's School LAND Trust (SLT) committee has allotted funds to cover the cost of Mr. D Math and Teaching Textbooks for the 2024-25 school year. Although LAU will cover the cost of one of these math curriculums for your student, you are responsible for assisting them in their studies and providing any needed support.*

Due to the structure of our funding, we will purchase your student’s math curriculum for the entire school year upfront. This means your student should plan to participate in their chosen curriculum for both the fall and winter semesters.

To get started, review the information on this page to determine if one of these curriculums is right for your student. Then, register them for Funded Approved LAU Math in SIS. Further instructions on how to register are included in the FAQs below.

Important: Your student's registration must be complete in SIS and approved by LAU by the first day of the semester. We cannot accept late registrations. Additionally, your student's preferred math curriculum must be selected in Canvas and approved by LAU within 10 days of the semester's start. If this process is not completed and coursework has not begun, they will be transferred to a live Williamsburg math course. 

*We do not provide mentors or tutoring for Funded Approved LAU Math, but each curriculum provider has some help available. See below for details.

Course Format, Pacing, & Grades

Funded Approved LAU Math courses are self-paced. Students pace themselves and complete coursework throughout the semester.

Students submit weekly Canvas assignments and report hours spent learning the subject material. To earn credit, all coursework, including progress reports, must be submitted by the end of the semester and satisfy all course requirements.

Grades will be awarded each semester based on scores from the math curriculum (including lessons, quizzes, and tests) combined with scores from Canvas assignments. Canvas assignment submissions account for 10% of the final grade.

Student in Funded Approved LAU Math

Recommended Math Path by Grade Level

Students can take Math above their grade level if they have the foundation to succeed. Here’s what we recommend by grade:

Grade 6
Math 6 or Preparing for Pre-Algebra
Grade 7
Math 7 or Preparing for Pre-Algebra
Grade 8
Pre-Algebra (Cannot satisfy high school math credit)
Grade 9
Algebra 1* or Math 1* (Complete Pre-Algebra first)
Grade 10
Geometry* or Math 2* (Complete Algebra or Math 1 first)
Grade 11
Algebra 2* or Math 3* (Complete Geometry or Math 2 first)
Consumer Math (In place of Math 3, with signed permission from a parent)
Grade 12 or Upper-Level Math
Pre-Calculus w/ Trigonometry (Complete Algebra 2 or Math 3 first)
Calculus (Complete Pre-Calculus w/ Trigonometry first)

*Required for High School Graduation

If your student’s math level is below the recommended level for their grade, we encourage them to start in the curriculum at their current skill level and work with a school counselor to determine how to meet future high school graduation requirements.


Which Curriculum is Right for My Child?

Mr. D Math Teaching Textbooks
Compare Details
Tool for Choosing Math Level
Once your student is registered, have them log into Canvas and go to their Math course to access these placement tools. You can use them to determine your child's math skill level.
Placement Guide
Placement Tests
What's it like?
Access demo
Click "log in"
User ID: demo
Password: mrdmath
See sample lessons on YouTube
Delivery Format
Self-paced video lessons
Digital lessons (download and install the app)
Math Courses
Preparing for Pre-Algebra
Algebra 1
Algebra II
Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry
Consumer Math
Math 6
Math 7
Algebra I
Algebra II
This service is offered by the curriculum provider, not LAU.
Online group help sessions 3 times per week during the school year
Free tutoring by phone
Due Dates
Assignments in Canvas will have due dates but curriculum lessons will not.
No due dates or set pacing
No due dates or set pacing
Cost Savings
Funds from the LAU School LAND Trust will cover the cost of these curriculums for 2024-25.



Need Help?

For questions regarding Independent Studies, please contact our Independent Studies & Funded Electives Coordinator.

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